
Name: Kervins

Age: 7

Birth Date: 1/1/2010

Kervins came to live in Fond Blanc in July 2014. He is from the village of Les Cayes and is Makenley’s cousin. He has the biggest smile here and nothing can get this little one down.

Kervins may be little but he certainly can talk. He is very bright and is always asking questions. He loves to draw and do his homework when the older kids are doing theirs. When he grows up, he would like to be a doctor. He loves to help out with construction and is always there to lend a helping hand to the missionaries.

Kervins is always hungry and can eat more than you can imagine would fit in his tiny tummy. He looks and acts just like a Haitian cartoon called “Kirikou” about a tiny little boy who was born walking and talking, so around here, that is what he is known as. His best friend at the orphanage is Benamy.

Fond Blanc Foundation