October 22, 2021 / Comments Off on Rally On The Runway 2021 Recap
Rally on the Runway Recap
Last week, we were finally able to host our annual Rally on the Runway event, supporting education for the village of Fond Blanc.
Gratefully, we were once again able to gather in-person, serve and celebrate our friends and partners in Fond Blanc, and raise enough money to continue supporting our partners in running the school. In addition, we widened our berth of giving to include supporting those in Caye that have suffered from the earthquake and hurricane this past summer.
Last year, due to COVID and the uncertainties in Haiti, we were forced to turn our attention to food insecurities in Haiti and used our resources to help us enhance our sustainability area in Fond Blanc. This ended up being critical timing for what was ahead for Haiti! Between the political crises that surrounded the assassination of President Moise, quickly followed by the earthquake and hurricane, the instability with rising food and transportation costs created unexpected and tumultuous times for our Haitian families.
Click here to watch our Rally on the Runway video, and find out more about our efforts in Haiti!
Thanks to so many of you, we will be able to run the school another year, as well as support Pastor Jean Claude and his team in rebuilding and restoring their community of Caye (see photos below of food distribution in Caye).
Mèsi pou lanmou ak sipò ou!
-The Fond Blanc Foundation
And a final big THANK YOU to our amazing Rally on the Runway Fundraiser Committee & Volunteers for all their hard work in putting together another successful event!
Were you unable to attend the fundraiser?
You can still help!
We’d love for you to consider donating toward the education of our children. A donation of $166 sponsors a child’s education for an entire year!