Forget your perfect offering.
There’s a crack in everything…
That’s how the light gets in.”
– Leonard Cohen
Each contribution to the orphanage at Fond Blanc is a ray of light and hope shining into the children’s lives. They are “the bells that still can ring” and that only makes your help even more significant for these children. In this season of thankful giving we would like to ask for your support that provides the basic needs of the children and the operation of the orphanage. The simplest way to do that is to donate through our Child Sponsorship Program.
We are pleased to be able to say that the full 100% of your financial contribution will go to pay for the needs of the children. The Fond Blanc Foundation is an entirely volunteer charity effort. We do pay some very modest salaries to the local Haitians serving at the orphanage, but that, too, is an investment in the future of Haiti and these kids.
Our operating expenses are all things like food, fuel for electricity and cooking, health and hygiene needs and other basic necessities. Conditions have improved in recent years, but we are still struggling meet basic needs. At present, we are only able to fund about 50% of our budget goal, and your contribution will go directly to meet those critical needs.
There are many ways to help beyond the operating budget, and we are grateful for all our supporters do for the orphans. Many groups have asked us to highlight some of our “wish list” projects, and in January we will be posting a more comprehensive portfolio of project needs at the orphanage for your review. And in just a few days, we will be re-introducing a very popular campaign we call “Chicken Dinners”. This pays for extra food that that adds needed nutritional balance to the kids’ diet. Please stay tuned for that announcement.
Right now, when we are all counting our blessings, we are asking you to consider helping us with our basic budget needs. When you sign up as a Sponsor, you are helping us to demonstrate God’s love and care to these wonderful children. They have broken our hearts with love, as they will break yours. And when our hearts “crack” the light shines in there as well. Please join us in this effort and help that light to shine more and more in all our hearts.