Update on NSM Summer Missions

Passion for our kids at Fond Blanc runs deep among our friends and supporters so we wanted to offer some comment in the wake of the recent unrest in Haiti.

Our partners at Next Step Ministries felt obligated to suspend the few remaining summer mission trips to Fond Blanc. Safety of our guests is our top concern, and circumstances on the ground presented unacceptable risks at the time. We also want to reassure everyone that Fond Blanc itself did not experience the physical violence reported in the news, though the impact was certainly felt indirectly by interruptions to travel, transport and logistics. Perhaps we were protected by our remote location. We can all bear that in mind and try to feel more grateful the next time we make that difficult drive up the mountain!

Though the summer season ended prematurely, we want to reassure you that daily life and work continues in Fond Blanc. It has never been our mission to “fix” Haiti. And the good work with the kids and the community that you all make possible continues to happen every day. Children are excitedly preparing for school. Books are being purchased and new uniforms are being made for those who need them. Frè Fabo will be working on the new bathrooms and septic field. And daily life begins to once again spread out a bit into roomier spaces now that all our summer volunteers have gone home.

When you think about it, our focus hasn’t shifted. We continue to play the “long game”, helping to prepare young people for productive, healthy lives and equipping them for the opportunity perhaps to help their own country to heal one day. Fond Blanc is a refuge from all of the recent trouble. A stable, nurturing and teaching environment will help produce stable, nurturing and educationally equipped adults who can help lead their own nation out of its multi-generational morass in due time.

Pretty much everyone who volunteers to serve the Fond Blanc orphanage community is simply trying to carry out Jesus’ instructions to all disciples: to “love one another as I have loved you.” That is all we can do, but it is also the very best thing we can do. The faithful effort of all our supporters continues to show results every day in the lives of the orphans and also in the education of another 400 or so local schoolchildren.

As friends of Fond Blanc, we all get to see expressions of carefree joy in the children, or recognize commitment in the efforts of schoolchildren. Because of those experiences we are able to see beyond the frustrations of rioters portrayed on the news. In those kids we have all seen something of the real nature of Haiti. The hope for breaking the cycle in Haiti lies with our children. With your assistance and the Lord’s help, the Fond Blanc Foundation is working toward that vision.

This is not easy work. Our volunteers know that Haiti is a pretty challenging assignment as far as missionary work goes. But God has called us there nevertheless, and we will not be deterred. Our work will continue throughout the year, and already our Haitian partners are continuing with the projects that we had to set down prematurely this summer. Next summer we will welcome back teams, who now enjoy years-long relationships of their own with Fond Blanc. Remaining obedient to the Lord’s guidance, and ever-trusting in His provision, we will persevere and the kids will share their joy with us and we will all be blessed.

We pray that you will not be overly dismayed by the unfortunate events in the news last month. Instead, we ask that you redouble your prayers and support for all that is being done well in Fond Blanc for the right people and for the right reasons. And we thank you for walking alongside that community with us every day.


By: Paul Young

Fond Blanc Foundation