June 23, 2021 / Comments Off on June 2021 Newsletter
June 2021 Newsletter
One of the greatest joys of being a part of this ministry has been setting a goal of sustainability for Fond Blanc and watching it come to fruition. This goal is one that we have been working toward for over 6 years and started with the simple idea of supporting sustainable living at the orphanage. We hired Isaac several years ago to lead the chicken operation and he has proven to be an incredible leader for the team. Over the last few years, he researched, studied, and developed a plan for what it would look like for an Agricultural Revival space on Pastor Jean Claude’s new land near the orphanage. After countless fundraising efforts, planning meetings and perseverance, we have emerged with an impressive and valuable farming community; creating an opportunity for learning, nutrition and of course, sustainability.
Last year we challenged our FBF supporters to serve their communities locally during this pandemic, while providing an opportunity to support this agriculture project in Fond Blanc. Those funds were put to great use as Isaac, along with the students from our school, got busy planting and cultivating a beautiful and abundant garden. They have already begun to feed the children from their bounty and many of them have gained the knowledge and experience of what it means to grow and benefit from sustainable agriculture.
We want to share some of the beautiful pictures Isaac has shared with us, so you can join us in celebrating the success of this ongoing project.
Incorporating sustainable agriculture into our schools curriculum
Germinating the seeds
Building our Hoop Gardens
Isaac teaching the kids about how it all begins
Protecting the seedlings
LeLe learning about the importance of nutrient rich soil
Seedlings starting to grow
Taking root!
Seedlings are then transferred into our larger outdoor garden
Planting the powerful and protein-rich Moringa trees to enrich the children’s diets even more
Beautiful Peppers
The harvested produce ready to bring to meal time!
Irrigation system utilizing water from the river.
Finally, after almost 2 years of being away from Haiti, we are anticipating a trip down in mid-July. We are hopeful that our long awaited reunion will come to fruition and we ask that you pray for stability and cohesion within Haiti, and for a safe journey for our team.
Our continued appreciation for your support over these many years. Without your generosity and kindness, projects such as these would not be able to come to their beautiful light.
Bondye Beni Ou ~
Tia Bunz Executive Director of The Fond Blanc Foundation