Rally on the Runway 2023

On September 22, 2023 we will host our 9th annual Fond Blanc Foundation educational fundraiser Rally on the Runway! This is our largest fundraiser, exclusively dedicated to keep our school up in this remote village of Fond Blanc operating and serving the children.

This school has been a shining light for this community, providing accredited education for up to 400 students, pre-K through grade 11. Because of the generosity of so many of you, this school has done remarkable things for so many.

In addition to the classic areas of study, our school also provides education in music, Bible study, sewing, ESL, gardening and farming.  The addition of this agricultural education has proven to be invaluable through these last years of unrest in the country of Haiti.

Yes, Haiti continues in its dark days, with the government in disarray, no president yet elected, gangs controlling many of the streets and neighborhoods, hospitals opened in limited capacities, and schools within the city struggling to keep their students safe amongst all the violence.

Thankfully our school is safely tucked up in the mountains, away from the everyday chaos. However, it is because of these external factors that our costs for food and supplies have continued steadily rising, while accessing safe methods of transport for our goods has become increasingly more difficult. This has impacted the daily operations of Fond Blanc Foundation, forcing us to shift our attention away from our historic growth, towards stabilizing our sustainability projects.

Because of this, our Rally on the Runway will be focused on the school in Fond Blanc as well as growing the agricultural sustainability arm of the foundation.  This is something we are all very excited about, as it creates an additional level of stability for those living in and around this remote village.

Please join us on Friday, September 22, 2023, 7 pm – 11 pm at Capital Flight Hangar in Middleton, Wisconsin.  If you are able to partner with us in this event, or donate a silent auction item, we would be most grateful!   And as always, 100% of the proceeds go directly to the children served in Fond Blanc! Please reach out to Tia Bunz at 608-444-7774 or at tiabunz@fondblanc.org

Bondye Beni Ou!

Tia Bunz

Can’t attend but want to support the cause?
We are looking for event sponsors and silent auction items to be donated. 100% of the proceeds go to the Fond Blanc School.
Contact Tia.Bunz@FondBlanc.org
The Fond Blanc Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Fond Blanc Foundation