Rally on the Runway Recap 2023

Rally on the Runway Recap
Hello Friends of Fond Blanc!

We just wanted to reach out with a Newsletter & Rally on the Runway Recap combo for you! Several weeks ago, on September 22, we hosted our annual fundraiser, Rally on the Runway, raising funds and awareness for the children in the Fond Blanc community.

This year was our 9th annual fundraiser and probably one of our most critical ones to date.  With the continued and heightened instability in Haiti, the gang control of the streets and the political stalemate of the government, life in Haiti is perhaps at its lowest point. For the US operations of this ministry, our team has been unable to travel down for three years. This is difficult for each of us, as we miss our beautiful friends and family in Fond Blanc, but we love the confidence we feel in knowing that our Haitian team is capable, providing for the children and the school and thriving amidst the countries chaos.

Our operations director in Haiti, Fre Theo, literally risks his life every time he travels that rough mountain road to deliver supplies and food to the school. It is why we are committed to supporting the mandate to create a sustainable ecosystem within the village and grounds of the Fond Blanc Foundation. This is WHY this event is so critical to keeping the Fond Blanc Foundation alive and thriving!

First, we have to thank all our awesome volunteers, who are the reason this event gets off the ground in the first place! We have the most wonderful, capable group of people who spend months planning, prepping, and gathering for our event. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who helped us pull off the impossible yet again!
A second huge thank-you goes out to our sponsors and donors. Your generosity and unwavering loyalty to our cause and our children allows us to keep the school running year in and year out. This year we had such an amazing group of sponsors, many of whom were willing to step up and share above and beyond, all in the name of keeping the mission alive. We also received some of the coolest, most unique items for our silent auction this year, from our generous donors. We repeatedly heard how our silent auction was one of the best in the area, and we would like to think so too!
Click here to watch our Rally on the Runway video, and find out more about our efforts in Haiti!
While we had some awesome things happen at this year’s event, including a crowd favorite “Chicken Coop Poop”, live music by the awesome Jage Nichols, spectacular food from Blue Plate Catering, we were finally able to have the hanger door open this year, and many more! Easily the best thing to come out of that night was that we raised enough money to run the school for another year! At the end of the day, full party aside, that is always our goal and driving force. With your support, though a trying year for many of us, we were able to accomplish this. So from the bottom of our hearts, again and again, we thank you!!

Forever In Awe of God’s Work,

Tia Bunz & Olivia Riggs
Fond Blanc Foundation Board Members

Were you unable to attend the fundraiser?

You can still help!

We’d love for you to consider donating toward the education of our children. A donation of $125 sponsors a child’s education for an entire year!

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Fond Blanc Foundation